Turns snow and silk and milk to dust

You’ll be pleased to know that following a flurry of unusually comfortable footwear purchases, these shoes, worn over a period of time, border on hellish – I think it’s something to do with lack of support around my ankles, who knew it wasn’t just a love for boots, but a NEED for the bracing? The usual ball-of-foot pain was not so much of an issue, more disturbing was the induction of an unfamiliar talocrural tingling. The 6 inches of curved, patent bliss DO, however, compensate. Once one adjusts to the balancing and ignores the accompanying affliction, the feeling of loftiness atop such beauties, is really rather wonderful.

I have no words for the perfection of the shirt, so here:


No words.

Trousers: thrifted
Shirt: vintage
Blazer: H&M
Faux fur stole: from an old thrifted poncho
Wedges: Office

– Nadia