Terminable transferrable

So it’s probably time for me to get my NY photos up before they are either a) forgotten and lost in the creaky depths of my external hard drive or b) subject to over-evaluation and post-processed to the point of extinction.
1. The partially-concealed cherubic face of Aimeesong
2. One of the only events at which food (albeit healthy food) was served. Naturally, it was my most favourite
3. Missoni for target launch event
4. The Russo at Vogue offices for breakfast and some ADR INC
5. Ferragamo for FNO
6. Susie wears nice clothes at IFB (enough acronyms for you?)
7. Glaring at mirrors with Aimeesong
8. Some glasses
9. Important Fashion People take advantage of the free wifi at Starbucks too (or so I like to think)
10. On the money at Jeremy Laing
11. Jules and Aimee get bloggery
12. Some feet
13. Nicole is busy being a fave of mine
13. Brandon‘s jacket applauds me as he turns away
– Nadia
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